A polygraph and investigative agency providing services throughout New England that adheres to the highest industry standards and best practices.

A polygraph & investigative agency providing services throughout New England and adhering to the highest industry standards and latest best practices.



(207) 841-0938



(207) 605-2056 - Ext 700





Licensed Polygraph Examiner & Professional Investigator

Mark has 27 years of military and civilian law enforcement experience combined.  Mark has administered about 2000 polygraph examinations. Mark is a former Portland Police Detective/Polygraph Examiner and was involved with almost every homicide and/or major sexual assault investigation occurring in the City of Portland from 1998 to 2003. As a Portland Police Detective Mark was assigned directly to Maine Department of Health & Human Services - Child Protective Bureau for two years. During that assignment Mark personally investigated 189 child abuse and neglect cases: interviewed dozens of child victims and more than hundred-fifty adult suspects.  In 1998 Mark graduated from the Maryland Institute of Criminal Justice’s Polygraph Examiner’s School and later completed advanced training in Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing.  Mark is a former Maine Criminal Justice Academy Instructor. He provided basic and advanced training to police officers and child protective workers on child abuse & neglect investigation, interview and interrogation, behavioral assessment, statement analysis, and polygraph. Mark is an FBI trained Hostage negotiator. He is approved by Maine Criminal Justice Academy for police officer applicant screening. He has been appointed by the Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner to supervise polygraph examiner intern licenses. Mark was appointed by Governor LePage to the Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner’s Polygraph Advisory Board. Mark belongs to the American Polygraph Association. He is a founding member and former President of the Maine Polygraph Association. Current Mark serves as the MaIne Polygraph Association’s Secretary, Seminar Coordinator and as a Trainer/Presenter.

20 Years Civilian Police Officer Maine & New Hampshire, Medically Retired

7 Years U.S. Air Force Law Enforcement Specialist/Supervisor

Administered 2000+ Polygraphs Exams

Trained FBI Hostage Negotiator


(207) 807-9318



(207) 605-2056 - Ext 701





Licensed & Certified Forensic Polygraph Examiner

Biff is a recently retired Maine Law Enforcement Officer completing forty years of service as a Detective with the Cumberland County Sherriff’s Office and as a Special Agent with the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency. Biff graduated from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police College’s Polygraph School in 2001 and is a Certified Forensic Polygraph Examiner.  During his four decades long career he has demonstrated extraordinary insight having investigated cases of homicide, overdose deaths, domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse.  He is well known for his masterful skills as an interviewer and interrogator, and aptitude for discerning credible reports from fabricated. He has a reputation for obtaining defendable confessions under difficult circumstances and developing exculpatory information for those wrongfully accused. Biff completed his Homicide Investigator training with the New York City Police Department and NYC Corner’s Office.  He received advanced training in Child Death, Abuse and Sex Investigations from the New Hampshire Police Standards & Training Council. Biff is a graduate of the Southern Maine Community College with an Associates Degree in Law Enforcement Technology. Biff responded to numerous high-risk incidents as an FBI trained Hostage/Crisis Negotiator. Biff served as a Hazardous Materials & Weapons of Mass Destruction Technician on a regional response team. Biff received specialized training and is experienced in work place harassment and civil rights investigations. Biff provided instruction on Principals of Criminal Investigation, to include Interview Techniques and Statement Analysis at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. He is a member of the American Polygraph Association and a former Vice President of the Maine Polygraph Association.

40 Years Sheriff’s Deputy, Retired

NYPD Trained Homicide Investigator

Drug Enforcement Expert

Former VP of Maine Polygraph Association


(978) 500-5183



(207) 605-2056 - Ext 705





Licensed Polygraph Examiner

Jack is a Retired Massachusetts State Police Captain who supervised the State Police Polygraph Unit and Internal Affairs Section.  Jack has been conducting polygraph examinations for thirty years. He was personally trained by Cleve Backster is a graduate of the famous Backster School of Lie Detection. He is a Two-term Past President of the American Polygraph Association; Past Chairman of the American Polygraph Association (APA) Board of Directors; and Polygraph School Instructor and Lecturer.  Jack started the first post-conviction sex offender polygraph testing program in Massachusetts and due to its success led to passage of the Community Supervision for Life Law (Massachusetts Ch. 74 of the Acts of 1999) which has reduced the number of sexual assault victims in MA.  Jack using the polygraph has solved numerous homicides, rapes, robberies, and other violent crimes.  His expertise with the polygraph has assisted numerous law enforcement agencies in riding their ranks of corrupt officers. Jack has instructed polygraph and lectured throughout the United States and internationally. Throughout North and South America, in Malaysia, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates Jack is recognized expert.

Mass State Police Captain, Retired

30+ Years Experience with Polygraph Exams

Past President of the American Polygraph Association

Started post-conviction sex offender polygraph testing program in MA


(207) 605-2056 - Ext 707





Licensed & Certified Polygraph Examiner, PCSOT & QC Qualified

Vanessa Khan is a former United States Army Military Police Investigator and combat veteran having served in the War in Iraq. She has some fourteen years of military police, criminal investigation, and public safety experience. She is a Licensed and Certified Forensic Polygraph Examiner. Vanessa completed her polygraph licensing internship under a Maine Law Enforcement Officer.  During her internship she administered polygraph examinations for law enforcement agencies for both criminal investigations and pre-employment screening. Experienced polygraph examiners and law enforcement officers who observed or reviewed Vanessa’s polygraph work were always favorably impressed with her.  As an intern Vanessa demonstrated a level of competency on par with examiners with many more years of experience. For more than the past year Vanessa has concentrated her polygraph practice with Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing.  Vanessa has administered more than four hundred fifty of those specialized sex offender exams to date. Vanessa Khan is a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Geoscience. Vanessa received her basic polygraph training and advanced Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing Certificate from the New England Polygraph Institute.  She has qualified as a Polygraph Quality Control Specialist. Vanessa is a member of the American Polygraph Association.

Former US Army Military Police Investigator

Conducted +450 Sex Offender Polygraph Exams

Former Combat Veteran


Process Server & Licensed Investigative Assistant

Specializing in Difficult Surveillance & Process Service


(207) 272-7093


(207) 605-2056 - Ext 703


(207) 319-3476





Maine Licensed Professional Investigator

Kelly brings over 20 years of combined legal and law enforcement experience to her role as a contract paralegal, specializing in criminal and civil litigation support. She began her career in a litigation support position for a large insurance company before joining the Maine Department of Corrections, where she gained hands-on experience in case management, investigations, and legal compliance.


In 2016, Kelly transitioned to the private sector, joining a boutique civil litigation law firm in downtown Portland. In this role, she managed complex caseloads, prepared legal documents, conducted legal research, and assisted with trial preparation, developing a reputation for precision and reliability.


Kelly earned an Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice with high honors from Southern Maine Community College in December 2024. Her studies included coursework in criminalistics, computer forensics, and crime scene reconstruction. She also spent four years as a member of the University of Southern Maine’s Cyber Security Club, enhancing her skills in digital investigations and data analysis.


As a lifelong resident of Southern Maine, Kelly is deeply invested in supporting local attorneys and their clients. Her extensive background in legal procedures, investigative research, and document preparation makes her a trusted resource for attorneys navigating Maine’s legal system.

Defending sexual misconduct cases in the age of the #MeToo movement.

New England Polygraph & Detective Agency

4 Union Park, Box #10, Topsham Maine 04086

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